Would you show up differently if you had support, clarity, inspiration, & a prize to win?

Of course you would.
Let's face it: nobody is thinking about 2024 right now. September is a weird transition time from summer to fall. It's easy to feel apathetic, generally less focused, and lacking inspiration. Maybe you're seeing that in your current workout habits.
Sure, you'll feel a new wind of momentum when New Years rolls around. Everyone does. But I also know if you continue with the level of inspiration, support, and structure you have now - you'll get the results you have now.
What I want to provide for you is very simple:
Inspiration. Energy. Structure. Support.
What if all you need is more clarity & structure? What if all you need is a plan and path to follow?
A challenge might be just the thing you need to get more engaged - something to get you focused and build momentum to finish out this year strong and head into 2024 already in motion!
There's no better way to pursue a workout goal than to make it a game & pursue it together.

I want to invite you to join the 90 Day 90s Challenge.
Imagine you signed up for a challenge that brought you all the way from October to December. As the days got shorter, you workouts didn't suffer; you danced to new dance workout videos every week.
Instead of feeling bored, you felt inspired.
Instead of lacking clarity on what you do, you had a plan to follow. You had one less decision to make.
Instead of looking back knowing you didn't give the last quarter of the year your all... instead of feeling regret that you didn't really take action the way you know you could've... you feel proud of yourself.
Instead of feeling like you're pursuing this on your own, like you're just disconnected and alone in your living room...
you feel connected to a group.
This is possible for you. But you've got to decide to take action.
If you want to be a take-action type of person, set yourself up for success by joining our 90 Day 90s Challenge.

For one $90 payment, you'll get:

3 month access to the exclusive 90 Day 90s dance content not available anywhere else
(9) 55 min NEW dance workouts released weekly starting Oct 1
(7) bonus previously unreleased class recordings (30-55 min)
(6) group coaching calls
(1) complimentary one-on-one 30 min onboarding call for strategy & support
One entry into the grand prize raffle
And maybe some more bonus goodies along the way...
And here's the game...
​We'll have an Instagram & participation challenge that will give you the chance for additional entries for the grand prize raffle. Different types of posts will be worth different points. The more points you have, the more entries to the raffle you'll get!
One grand prize winner will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card + $100 Southwest Airlines Gift Card. Winner will be chosen on New Years' Eve.
Studies show that participants who gamify their workouts are 5x more likely to complete their challenge! So instead of wandering through the end of this year without focus, energy, inspiration, or connection, it's time to PLAY.
Payment plans are available but you have to act now! Doors close on October 5th.